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How do you market a dream?

A dream is often so personal that to let it out into the public feels like the most dangerous thing. But at the same time, a dream that is not shared rarely has the chance to grow and bloom.

So here is my dream:
I dream of having a business creating and selling my creations, creating and selling dreams. Dreams of a world a little bit more colorful and full of fancy. A world were you can be a kid again and see the possibilities around you. Be it in a miniature bear, a cute felt mouse, or colorful fish. Birds full of plume and pompousness. Masks to hide behind or create anew. Crowns to be the person you were always meant to be. Each item full of detail and hidden depth, because in truth that is who you are.

I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I intend to.

A note on the name:
To me Elephants signify a reliable steadfastness, with a touch of the exotic. Also one's inheritance. Flames can signify an end, but in many mythologies (like the firebird) they are also a beginning.